Skin Care

Inaugural Confidence (Sensitive Skin Friendly)
75 min | FACE
First time in? This is the skin treatment you’ve been looking for! Designed and completely customized by Patti for your skin. The Confidence treatment combined with a dermalogica FaceMapping® and a little extra time for Patti to identify your skins current needs.

Confidence Boost (Sensitive Skin Friendly)
30 min | FACE • BACK • CHEST
The dermalogica® ProSkin30® treatment delivers big results in a short amount of time, allowing you to care for your skin’s health even with a busy schedule. Patti and her arsenal of products will provide a customized confidence boost and have you on your way in just 30 minutes. Because you are worth it!

Confidence Boost with Advanced Technology (Sensitive Skin Friendly)
30 min | FACE • BACK • CHEST
The dermalogica® ProSkin30® treatment delivers big results in a short amount of time, and includes advanced technology – microdermabrasion or IonActive™treatment.

Confidence (Sensitive Skin Friendly)
60 min | FACE
The perfect treatment for any skin type, condition or concern and all people! This dermalogica® ProSkin60® skin treatment is designed and completely customized by Patti for your skin. It delivers visible results through dermalogica®’s professional strength formulas and exclusive techniques. It includes a double cleansing, professional resurfacing, minimal extractions (as needed), deep treatment, and dermal layering, along with a deep calming face, neck and shoulder massage to help center your soul. You have never experienced a more thorough or expertly given skin treatment than this – it brings out true confidence!

Confidence with Advanced Technology (Sensitive Skin Friendly)
60 min | FACE
This skin treatment is designed and completely customized by Patti. It delivers visible results through dermalogica®’s professional strength formulas and includes advanced technology – microdermabrasion or IonActive™treatment.

Confidence with IonActive™ & Microderm

60 min | FACE
This revolutionary treatment will take your skin to the next level. You will be glowing for weeks after this service! Includes TWO advanced technologies – microdermabrasion AND IonActive™treatment.

Indulge (Sensitive Skin Friendly)
This indulgent treatment is customized by Patti for your skin’s specific needs on the day of your treatment, based on your Face Mapping® skin analysis. It includes a double cleansing, professional resurfacing, extractions (as needed), deep treatment including a dual process custom masque, dermal layering. The second step and the WOW of the dual process custom masque is dermalogica®’s Cooling Contour Masque; a cooling, calming masque that uses Algae-derived Silica and Calcium Sulfate. Delivers an immediate lifting effect and increases penetration of targeted treatments. This deep treatment firms and contours the skin, aids in penetration of targeted treatments, cools and calms sensitive or sensitized skin.  An extended deeply calming face, décolleté, neck and shoulder massage with essential oils is weaved throughout your experience, providing additional benefits to soothe your soul!

Indulge with Advanced Technology (Sensitive Skin Friendly)
This indulgent treatment is customized by Patti for your skin’s specific needs on the day of your treatment, and includes advanced technology –  microdermabrasion or IonActive™ and 30 min of Celluma® LED Therapy.

Face, Body & Soul (Sensitive Skin Friendly)
120 min | FACE & DÉCOLLETÉ
This treatment will help you to lose yourself in tranquility. Based on your Face Mapping® skin analysis, Patti’s selection of services will pamper and delight you with a double cleansing, professional resurfacing, extractions (as needed), deep treatment and dermal layering. Consciously laced throughout are Patti’s signature facial, décolleté, arm, scalp, neck and shoulder massages with essential oils. While you drift deeper into your relaxed state, forget any worries of your world with an anti-aging hand and luxurious foot treatment.

Face, Body & Soul with Advanced Technology (Sensitive Skin Friendly)
120 min | FACE & DÉCOLLETÉ
Face, Body & Soul treatment and  includes advanced technology – microdermabrasion or IonActive™ and 30 min of Celluma® LED Therapy.

Confidence with Peel*
60 min | FACE *includes aftercare kit with first service
Ultra-potent and completely customized: you’ve never had a peel like this before!.This comprehensive dermalogica® ProSkin60® treatment pairs our most powerful peel yet with advanced techniques to thoroughly address your skin’s ever-changing needs. Double cleansing, professional resurfacing with recommended ProPower Peel solution, deep treatment and dermal layering. With a deeply calming neck and shoulder massage. This treatment will revitalize your confidence and change your skin from the inside out! **Optimal results with a series**

Prerequisite Confidence Treatment or Confidence Boost Treatment before peel appointment may be booked.

Confidence Boost with Peel
40 min | FACE
This dermalogica® ProSkin30® treatment pairs our ProPower Peel with advanced techniques to thoroughly address your skin’s ever-changing needs. Double cleansing, professional resurfacing with recommended peel solution and dermal layering. Abbreviated time, amazing results.

Prerequisite Confidence Treatment or Confidence Boost Treatment before peel appointment may be booked.

10 min | DÉCOLLETÉ
Add the décolleté to confidence • confidence with technology • peel

SEGMENTS BY dermalogica®
Daily Skin Health®
PowerBright TRx®

Skin Treatment FAQ

What kind of products do you use?
dermalogica® – Daily Skin Health®, AGESmart®, UltraCalmingTM, AGEBright®, PowerBright TRx®
Customized for your skin.

What does a treatment entail?
A treatment generally includes makeup removal and skin cleansing, exfoliation by mechanical, enzymatic or chemical means, steaming, extractions (if needed), facial massage, a treatment masque, serum/moisturizer and spf.

How often should I get a treatment?
For most people, treatments can be scheduled every four weeks, although your therapist may recommend a different schedule based on your individual needs.

What treatment is best for my skin concern?
Acne / Breakouts / Oily – Confidence with Advanced Technology; Microdermabrasion, Niacinamide IonActive™, Celluma® LED Light Therapy

Aging – Confidence with Peel, Indulge with Advanced Technology; Retinol 1% IonActive™, Hyaluronic Acid IonActive™, Celluma® LED Light Therapy

Sensitive – Indulge Treatment, Confidence with Advanced Technology; Hyaluronic Acid IonActive™

Brightening / Hyper-pigmentation (darker spots) – Confidence with Peel, Indulge with Advanced Technology; Oligopeptide IonActive™, Microdermabrasion, Celluma® LED Light Therapy

What are Advanced Technology Options?

Microdermabrasion – A non-invasive, non surgical procedure that removes dull, lifeless cell on the surface of the skin to reveal newer, fresher skin, more radiant skin. Using a wand tipped with crushed diamonds, this treatment resurfaces the skin, reduces acne breakouts, improves the appearance of fine line, wrinkles and stretch marks, acne scars, age spots and hyper-pigmentation. Patti explains it as feeling like a kitty tongue attached to a dentist suction hose. Optimal results are achieved with a series of three to six treatments.

bT micro™ with IonActive™ (Sensitive Skin Friendly) – The latest rage in hand-held professional technology. Combines ultrasonic peeling with high speed oscillations with microcurrent product penetrating capabilities. Paired with high-powered professional strength serums for rapid skin health results. Reduce signs of skin aging; firm and tone, reduce line lines and wrinkles with a 1% Retinol. Renew skin texture and tone while reducing hyperpigmentation with the Oligopeptide. Clear up acne, reduce future breakouts and refine large pores with Niacinamide. Plump it up with Hyaluronic Acid to demolish dehydration. Your skin will look and fee dramatically-improved and you’ll notice the results improve for up to a week after! 

Celluma® LED Light Therapy (Sensitive Skin Friendly)Celluma® is unique and quite unlike any other low-level light therapy device available today. Based on NASA research, Celluma® delivers bluered and near-infrared light energy simultaneously to safely treat a wide variety of conditions. Each wavelength is absorbed by different molecules that act as a signaling mechanism for different cellular processes. For example, some reduce inflammation and some kill bacteria, while others enhance localized circulation. *Celluma® is not FDA-cleared for wound healing

What is Light Therapy? – Light Emitting Diode (LED) phototherapy is the application of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits. The energy is used to improve cellular performance. Phototherapy is known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties and has a variety of applications across many medical fields. Research has shown it can: increase circulation, accelerate tissue repair, decrease wrinkles, decrease inflammation, improve skin tone and wrinkles, texture and clarity, ease muscle and joint pain, stiffness, spasm and arthritis and kill acne bacteria, and much more.

How do I know which Advanced Technology options are best for my skin?
Patti will guide you! Unsure, book any appointment with Advanced Technology and Patti will decide after dermalogica FaceMapping®.

What do I do at home?
Patti will show you step-by-step how-to use the recommended products to treat your skin concerns effectively at home to achieve and maintain beautiful results.

How do I get started?
Book an Inaugural Confidence treatment. This is the treatment that includes dermalogica FaceMapping® and a little extra time for Patti to identify your skins current needs.

What is a FaceMapping®?
The first, and most important, step in any skin care treatments is the analysis of your skin, which helps your Skin Therapist design a skin care treatment and home care prescription that are completely personalized to your unique needs.


Rather than simply relying on her eyes, your Skin Therapist will scrutinize your skin, inch-by-inch, using both a magnifying lamp and her sense of touch. You see, while visual clues can help to identify existing problems, deeper congestion can only be determined by actually touching the skin.

dermalogica-facial-diagramNot only does this method on analysis provide a much more accurate diagnosis of your skin concerns, it can actually help to detect them before they surface. Even better you will leave your skin care appointment with personalized Face Map that will show you were problems were found, and what products to use on those specific zones. This way, you’re only applying products to the parts of your face that need them, making your regimen both more results-orientated and cost-efficient. Your Skin Therapist will also keep a copy of your Face Map so together you can chart your progress.

Did you know that your health is written all over your face? Chinese Diagnosis, one of the philosophies behind FaceMapping, is based on the belief that the skin provides an outside view into the body’s internal health. Of course, we’ve known all along that, if you’re not well, your skin suffers. Your Skin Therapist can provide an even deeper view, delving into the “why” behind your skin concerns.